Friday, July 3, 2009

Eaglewood and Fireworks

Every year we go up to the Eaglewood golf course to see the fireworks. Usually Ted goes up about 4 in the afternoon and waits until it is allowed to put chairs up. This year he was unable to go up. So we headed up about 5:30. All of Casey's family and some of our friends go up early every year and just play around until the fireworks. In years past I have not been too excited about seeing them. I think that this was caused by the one camping trip that there was like a 5 hours extravaganza of fireworks, probably an exageration but it went on forever. This year I was excited to see them. It still amazes me how they can get all the different colors and sometime shapes. As amazing as the fireworks were this year, they still could not compare to watching fireworks at the Wheatland Fairgrounds and listening to the local radio station play patriotic music. Happy 4th of July.

1 comment:

Penny said...

One of the things I miss is fireworks in the dark... We watched some on 4th of July weekend, but at midnight, the sun still wasn't down. They were cool, but not the same. (And in winter it's dark, but *so* cold!). Glad you enjoyed them this year - Happy 4th of July!! =)